Jakob E. Bardram

Jakob E. Bardram is a professor at the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) and runs the Pervasive Interaction Technology Laboratory (pIT Lab). Prior to this position, he was an associate professor at the Computer Science Department, University of Aarhus and the co-founder and first manager of the Danish Centre for Pervasive Healthcare. His research interests are Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computer Systems, Object Oriented Software Architecture, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW); and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). The main application area of this research is within healthcare, especially Pervasive Healthcare.
In the summer of 2006 he co-founded the company Cetrea A/S, which specialize in the development of pervasive computing technology for hospitals. The products and technologies of Cetrea is based on research done in the AWARE project. He also helped found CLC Bio A/Swhich develops bioinformatics software.
Dr. Bardram has previously held positions as project manager and IT architect at IBM Denmark, where he architected and managed several e-business projects. And he has been an industrial research fellow at CSC Scandihealth, where he worked with software architectures for cooperative systems in hospitals.
Dr. Bardram received his PhD in computer science in 1998 from the University of Aarhus, Denmark. Since returning to academia in 2001, he has been involved in several R&D Projects with industry. He has coedited a book on Pervasive Healthcare and has co-edited a special issue of Pervasive Healthcare in the IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. During his scientific career, Jakob Bardram haspublished more than 50 original papers in international scientific books, journals, and conference proceedings.
Dr. Bardram is a senior member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He was the conference co-chair and organizer of the ACM UBICOMP 2010 conference in Copenhagen and was the Papers and Notes co-chair for the ACM CSCW 2011 conference. He has served on numerous program and organizing committees for both ACM and IEEE conferences.
- Pervasive/ubiquitous computer systems
- Object oriented software architecture
- Computer supported cooperative Work (CSCW)
- Human-computer interaction (HCI)
- Pervasive healthcare