Augusto Esteves

Augusto Esteves is a PhD candidate in Informatics Engineering (Human-Computer Interaction) at the University of Madeira. In 2010 he finished his MSc thesis in the same area, with work that won the first prize at the Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge 2010. His research interests lie in lowering the cognitive demands of computer interfaces through the design of new interactive systems, and he has explored these concepts as a Visiting Researcher in several institutes. These include the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (2014), the Eindhoven University of Technology (2012), and the Korean Advanced Institute Science and Technology (2011). From September 2014 he is a Research Fellow at the School of Computing and Communications at Lancaster University, under the supervision of Professor Hans Gellersen, in the iCareNet project as a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher.
- Tangible interaction
- Embodied cognition
- Evaluation methods
- Ubiquitous computing
- Internet-of-things