Oliver Amft

Oliver Amft is coordinating the iCareNet network at TU Eindhoven. Oliver is a Full Professor (W3) at University of Passau (Germany) heading the Chair of Sensor Technology and leading the ACTLab research group. Oliver is also affiliated with the Wearable Computing Lab, ETH Zurich (CH) and the Signal Processing Systems section at TU Eindhoven (NL). He received the Dipl.-Ing. (M.Sc.) from Chemnitz Technical University in 1999 and the Dr. sc. ETH (Ph.D.) from ETH Zurich in 2008, both in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. Until 2004, he has been a R&D project manager with ABB Inc., leading product developments in embedded communication systems. Oliver is interested in multi-modal activity recognition and human behaviour inference algorithms with applications (among others) in healthcare, wellness, and sports. He has co-authored more than 90 publications in this area.
- Pattern Recognition, sensor technology, embedded systems.
- Context inference and probabilistic modelling of daily activities (pattern recognition and machine learning).
- Activity spotting, gesture recognition, and related topics.
- Wearable and ubiquitous computing.
- Personal health applications, including Automatic Dietary Monitoring, physical rehabilitation.